Four Years of Serving on the Public Works & Transportation Commission in East Palo Alto

My four years on East Palo Alto's Public Works and Transportation Commission have been fulfilling, and I strongly recommend this type of community involvement to all EPA residents. It's a roughly three-hour monthly commitment and has been a positive experience. As the current Chair (a rotating position), I've had the

Petition for a Speed Hump on Your Street

Pretty exciting news! A number of streets in East Palo Alto are now eligible for speed humps even if buses run on them. Residents and businesses along Pulgas Ave, Clarke Ave, and parts of the University Village (to the north) should jump on this opportunity.

Our Experience with the Tinsley Program in East Palo Alto

My son, Mateo, graduates from La Entrada Middle School today. We are very proud parents as he wraps up middle school and prepares to enter Menlo-Atherton High School later this summer. Mateo attended school in the Las Lomitas School District for the last 9 years via the Tinsley Program.  The

Biking to Work from East Palo Alto

The Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition sponsored "Bike to Wherever Day" on Thursday, May 16th, 2024.  Bike to Wherever Day is an annual celebration encouraging people to bike to work instead of driving. I worked the the SVBC Energizer Station at Friendship Bridge with a few friends. We handed out snacks,

Fixing East Palo Alto's Parking Problems

Earlier this month, East Palo Alto’s Public Works and Transportation Commission heard from staff on the plan to implement parking restrictions in East Palo Alto.  East Palo Alto has a problem with parking. We have too many cars on our streets, and it is nearly impossible in some neighborhoods

Rethinking Animal Control in East Palo Alto

East Palo Alto spends around $550,000 on Animal Control each year, contracting with San Mateo County. In my opinion, East Palo Alto spends a lot on animal control and gets very little in return. I think we need to rethink how we are spending this money and come up

The Ravenswood Business District Specific Plan Update

The City of East Palo Alto has been working on an update to the Ravenswood Business District Specific Plan. Potential options studied include 2.8 million or 3.3 million sq ft of office space.